05.21.08 - 01.18.08 - Astronomers using the Suzaku satellite have discovered a white dwarf that is acting like a neutron star. The snow cover patterns also identify various topographic features, especially mountain ranges. 05.29.08 - Scientists and engineers at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center have joined teams studying optics technologies for three possible new NASA missions to search for alien worlds (exoplanets). NASA and Ocean Tomo Federal Services, LLC announced the beginning of a new partnership to commercialize over 40 NASA-funded technologies to the private sector for commercial application. Cassini scientists speculate there may be a layer of liquid water mixed with ammonia about 100 kilometers (62 miles) below the surface of Titan. 11.04.08 - Bill Dunford Date Acquired: 08/04/2008 The Hubble team today received approval from officials at NASA Headquarters to reconfigure a failed data handling unit on Hubble to begin operations on a redundant side of the unit. 02.07.08 - The Science Poster Party Blowout started 2008 with a celebration of Goddards scientific discoveries and achievements. NASAs Solar Shield experiment explores how timely space weather forecasts can help power companies keep the power flowing to the many appliances and electronic gadgets we rely on every day. NASA's Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) received the final "Ready to Go!" Flight Center. The images are sometimes authored by people or organizations outside NASA, and therefore APOD images are often copyrighted, . New data from the W. M. Keck Observatory at Mauna Kea, Hawaii, are helping scientists overturn long-standing assumptions about powerful stellar explosions. Tropical Cyclone Billy made landfall in Western Australia in late December 2008. iridescence, and beaming E.g., look at the image in the gallery from 2008-11-29 19:02:44 This is a very peculiar looking field in the DSS. Phil Davis NASA selected The Hammers Company, Greenbelt, Md., to build the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) Mission Operations Element (MOE). 06.02.08 - Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is 05.13.08 - Managing Editor: The total estimated cost of the contract is $20,412,996 over the five-year period of performance. 04.22.08 - After four years of observations, a European satellite named Integral may have solved one of our galaxy's greatest mysteries. & Jerry Bonnell NASA Technical Rep.: Phil Newman. along the horizon changing in a beautiful 05.01.08 - Im pleased to report that the Earth Observatory team has completed an extensive redesign of their siteearthobservatory.nasa.gov. Compared to earlier images, the storm appears more compact in this picture, and occurs almost entirely over the ocean. Others were less distinct, such as the U.S. Sierra Nevadas, the Pyrnes of France and Spain, and the Caucasus of Eastern Europe, but by the end of winter, their peaks were crisply defined in white. The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) spacecraft bus was lowered onto the propulsion module, and it attached on the first try. Image of the Day 10.27.08 - 11.17.08 - They can be combined with information on snow depth to help predict flood risk and water availability in regions such as Afghanistan, where the winter snow pack is the primary source of water in the summer. Atmosphere 03.20.08 - 05.07.08 - NASA's Science Communication Support Office Annual Report 2017. NASA has several presentations at the 212th meeting of the American Astronomical Society. Smoke billows from scattered wildfires in California, as captured by NASA's Aqua Satellite. The MODIS on NASA's Terra satellite captured this image of the storm at noon Central Daylight Time (17:00 UTC). One of the priorities of the GLAST Burst Monitor science team has been to validate burst location information provided by the telescope. Land 2022 is one for the history books as NASA caps off another astronomical year. 02.08.08 - A NASA-funded researcher has discovered that solar flares -- explosions in the atmosphere of the sun -- get much hotter when they stay "focused". 01.11.08 - + 'frazier@nas' + 'a.gov') 12.15.08 - 11.7.08 - Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology. The WMAP data are central to our current understanding of cosmology. Consider one appropriate for 2009, the The Cassini orbiter was designed, developed and assembled at JPL. With winds of about 384 miles per hour, some of the highest wind speeds ever detected on any planet, Jupiter's Little Red Spot could blow away any hurricane on Earth. View videos produced at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center as part of Earth Science Week 2008. 06.05.08 - NASA satellites finds vast quantities of industrial aerosols and smoke from East Asia and Russia travel from one side of the globe to another. George Takei, famous for portraying Mr. Sulu on "Star Trek," visited Goddard on June 3, 2008, to deliver a lecture on diversity. Cassini streaked past Titan on Dec. 21 at an altitude of 971 kilometers NASA's Swift satellite has found the most distant gamma-ray burst ever detected. Did you know the weeks surrounding this All Hallows Eve mark a haunting milestone? 10.06.08 - Making a proper distinction by looking at both raindrop size and abundance may be a key to assisting weather forecasters in estimating rainfall intensity to reduce the surprise factor of flash flooding. GLAST Mission Operations at NASA Goddard Powered Up, California Wildfires Continue to Burn Out of Control, Solar Shield Experiment Aims to Keep the Power On, NASA Goddard Has More Than a Dozen Exciting Missions in Next Year, Proposed NASA Mission Could Explore Twisted Space Around Black Holes, NASA Goddard Mission Approved to Probe Matter in Extreme Environments, University Faculty and Students to "Rock On!" 10.23.08 - But for meteorologists, who sometimes divide the year up into seasons on the basis of similarity in weather and temperature, winter is already over. (MTU) & GALEX now uses a special GalexExposure Image finder. On December 28, 2008, the storm was downgraded to an ex-tropical cyclone and was anticipated to pose no further threat to the coastal communities of Western Australia. An interactive exhibit showcasing NASA's Hubble and James Webb telescopes is on display in Pittsburgh. The image has been processed with a resolution of 128 pixels/deg. 05.16.07 - The snow cover maps reveal some of the winters significant snow events in the United States, including a rare snow fall in the Deep South that occurred in mid-December. Numerous wildfires continue to burn out of control throughout California. 12.30.08 - NASA Headquarters Images; Kennedy Space Center Images; Johnson Space Center Images; Goddard Space Flight Center Images; Marshall Space Flight Center Images Astronomy Picture of the Day Calendar . These maps show the average percent snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere for December 2008 (top) and February 2009 (bottom), the first and last months of meteorological winter. 07.01.08 - Hubble has found them to be brilliant blue clusters of stars born in the swirls and eddies of a galactic smashup 200 million years ago. NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft is aiming its largest telescope at five stars in a search for alien planets as it enters its extended mission, called EPOXI. Severe Storms. High-Southern Latitudes in the Leading Hemisphere (Arrakis Planitia). The Atlantic Hurricane Season began early in 2007, and by mid-December it was still going. Compared to earlier images, the storm appears more compact in this picture, and occurs almost entirely over the ocean. as a participant of the NASA Undergraduate Student Research Program. Unexpected image offsets in the GALEX GR4. NASA announced Thursday that space shuttle Atlantis' STS-125 mission to repair the Hubble Space Telescope is targeted to launch May 12, 2009. U. APOD Editor to Speak in New York on Jan. 2, NASA Web NASA selected two proposals from Goddard researchers to assist with measurements the agency's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter will make. 12.15.08 - Reliable power and potential lunar resources make the lunar poles attractive enough to attempt hairy landings on a crater rim. Astronomers who count sunspots have announced that 2008 is now the "blankest year" of the Space Age. A team at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center designs and builds the special tools and aids astronauts need when they service the Hubble Space Telescope. Image of the Day In this image, the sprawling storm blocks the satellite's view of much of the Louisiana coast including the New Orleans region, while skies remain clear farther inland, particularly in Texas. NASAs Swift satellite demonstrates what happens when astronomers look at a galaxy in ultraviolet light. On Sunday, November 16, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center invites elementary school students to a free afternoon of eye-opening, hands-on activities that will help you experience what its like to be a NASA engineer. 12.02.08 - 05.07.07 - 04.14.08 - 05.29.08 - SkyView GALEX GR4: Off center images fixed. Shadow of a Opportunity (August 3, 2004; February 4, 2007; June 29, 2008; May 8, 2011; . After revealing a trove of details about the moons Ganymede and Europa, the mission to Jupiter is setting its sights on sister moon Io. Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA GSFC, Web Curator: The next full Moon will be Friday evening, Jan. 6, 2023, at 6:08 PM EST. Official NASA photographs from agency photographers chronicle what's making news across the agency, from launches and landings to important science announcements. Excitement Builds as GLAST Readies Its Gamma-ray Vision! This site is maintained by the Planetary Science Communications team at, The Next Full Moon is the Wolf or Ice Moon, NASA Retires InSight Mars Lander Mission After Years of Science, 40-Year Study Finds Mysterious Patterns in Temperatures at Jupiter, Juno Explores Jovian Moons During Extended Mission, NASA's Big 2022: Historic Moon Mission, Webb Telescope Images, More, NEO Surveyor Successfully Passes Key Milestone. . 03.04.08 - Snow and Ice, Winter Snow Cover in the Northern Hemisphere, NASA Goddard Space NASA maps and animation by Kevin Ward, based on data from the NASA Earth Observations (NEO) project. Ryan Sheridan, a student from Moscow, Idaho, will spend this summer at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. The bulletin also forecast a high probability of a tropical cyclone in the region from December 26-28, 2008. International Year of Astronomy; 08.18.08 - 02.08.08 - 08.04.08 - Inside the polar night boundary, MODIS cannot observe snow cover because there is not enough daylight. 06.11.08 - 12.04.08 - Explanation: The Space Agency has uploaded spectacular space pics every day for more than 25 years via the use of their Hubble telescope. emailE=('brandon.f.mac' + 'cherone@nas' + 'a.gov') The proposed new mission, called Gravity and Extreme Magnetism (GEMS), will use a new technique to accomplish what has been impossible until now. A new NASA study confirms that the surface temperature of Greenland's massive ice sheet has been rising, fueling the loss of the island's ice at the surface and throughout the mass beneath. NASA study shows that the rising frequency and intensity of arctic storms over the last half century directly accelerated the rate of arctic sea ice drift which is a harbinger of climate change. 07.01.08 - nasa.gov. 05.29.08 - When summer storms arrive, it's not only beach-goers who are affected; the rains can also have an impact on living creatures far below the ocean surface. Goddard Symposium to focus on "Going to Work in Space.". NASAs Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) spacecraft, designed to image global interactions at the outer reaches of the solar system, today began its move to Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB), California. 04.15.08 - Swift caught sight of a splintered comet fragment as it passed by the Ring Nebula. 01.08.08 - SnoMotes are the first prototype network of their kind envisioned to rove treacherous areas of the Arctic and Antarctic. Social Media Lead: Cassini Eyes the Tiger Stripes On Oct. 31, 2008, during the second close flyby of Enceladus of the month, the cameras and other optical remote sensing instruments will be front and center, imaging the fractures that slash across the moon's south polar region like stripes on a tiger. In recognition of the 10th anniversary of the first scientific results from the TRMM satellite, media are invited to a media roundtable on Wednesday, Jan. 23 at 11 a.m. EST. APOD: 2008 December 31 - The Sky in Motion Astronomy Picture of the Day Discover the cosmos! 10.16.08 - Image of the Day 07.17.08 - The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASAs Aqua satellite took this picture at 3:10 p.m. local time on December 25. document.write( '' ) from all teams. During the night of Oct. 15, Space Telescope Operations Control Center engineers at NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center turned on and checked out Side B of Hubbles Science Instrument Control and Data Handling (SI C&DH) system.
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