other buildings and parking ramps be damaged, not to mention the bridge of Transportation, 2007. Everyone wants to believe that Angels are beautiful of shimmering white. January 11, 2008: The National Transportation Safety Board's (NTSB) on-going investigation uncovers an error in the original design process that resulted in undersized gusset plates on some of Bridge 9340's main trusses. In an interview, Bridge Collapse Survivor, Charlene Wood said "When I got to the traffic light, here in point pleasant, I got the red light. 5), Road User Cost Due to Unavailability of Interstate 35W Mississippi River Crossing at Minneapolis, Minnesota. According to his friend, John Sherwood, Barker "pretty much took all of UFOlogy as a joke" and once said that his "kookie books" were "about all that I can sell these days." Highway Bridges: Conditions and the Federal/State Role. Or maybe the coming tragedy lured the creature to Point Pleasant. For days rescue workers pulled smashed cars and bodies from the river. Soon, a caller on Coast to Coast AM not to mention a host of online monster hunters began claiming the bat-winged humanoid was back in action, flittering around Minneapolis shortly before the disaster. of Transportation, Office of Research Services, 2001. Mothman has allegedly appeared to many prior to major disasters since the bridge collapse, with sightings claimed before 9/11 and the I-35W Minnesota bridge collapse, nearby Mason County, and even in Chicago, where it seems to have made its new home. It costs you nothing for our firm to represent you. Ten years ago, the Interstate 35W bridge over the Mississippi River in downtown Minneapolis collapsed, sending cars, trucks and even a school bus that were crawling over it in . St. Paul: Minnesota Dept. This six-and-half-foot tall winged man appeared in the Houston Heights back in 1953, terrifying a handful of Lone Star witnesses. However, of all the alternative theories out there, the most popular involves the Mothman. on June 27th. If he interfears with anything, then he will undo the curse, and he doesn't want that. My uncle was 3 cars back and I believe he said it was trying to tell people not to enter the bridge but people were so scared of it they didn't realize. However, they weren't going to just go home and forget the whole thing. Minnesota Public Radio, July 31, 2017. There were a lot of people drowning in the river and Christmas packages were floating everywhere in the water. When a beam or brace in tension (being pulled We only get paid when you do. It wasn't until the couples reached Point Pleasant that the monster disappeared. On August 1, 2007, an eight-lane, three-span section of the I-35W Bridge across the Mississippi River in downtown Minneapolis collapsed at approximately 6:00 p.m. It is a supernatural omen, a harbinger of doom that appears before some catastrophe. They called it a man-like creature, with glowing eyes and huge wings, and it had the ability to fly. Many cryptozoologists and paranormal experts believe the winged beast was either responsible for the collapse or that it was trying to warn of the impending disaster. Our community can see these ideals lived out in our work to prevent personal injuries from happening. That is the Tandem Accelerator Lab. After the collapse of the Silver Bridge, Mothman disappeared from Point Pleasant and vanished into thin airor did he? river about a decade ago. North America is full of unusual monsters, from Bigfoot to the chupacabra. around both sides of the Twin Cities, so the I-35W bridge is not critical The media did become concerned that the numbers were changing, so the Thanks for reading my comment!!! Tragedies happen. She reversed her vehicle as the bridge began folding inward on itself, with her tires stopped on the ledge where it broke off. And of course, there were all the Men in Black. Adequacy of the U10 and L11 Gusset Plate Designs for the Minnesota Bridge No. death certificate and collect the insurance. St. Paul: Minnesota Dept. Mothman Might Have Appeared At The Site Of The I-35W Bridge Collapse - YouTube Mothman Might Have Appeared At The Site Of The I-35W Bridge CollapseMothman Might Have Appeared At The. And if you commit suicide, and die, then mothman chooses who is going to inhearate the curse next. (Image Credit: The Curse Continues Charles Berlin 2007). May 8, 2008: Governor Pawlenty signs a $38 million package to compensate bridge victims for their injuries and losses. And once word of the alleged sightings spread, more and more people began to panic, freaking out whenever they saw an owl's eyes shining in the dark. Its free to speak to us, and if you become our client, its still freeyou will pay no upfront costs. How long will it take to get compensation for my injury? Morry Gash/AP. Soon, an enterprising copy editor from Ohio came up with a name for the creature. Was it a design flaw, inferior materials, a negligent barge pilot? 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. You can enjoy some good food, listen to guest speakers, and learn more about the Mothman and the paranormal. The Silver Bridge collapsed on December 15, 1967. The busy Interstate 35W bridge over the Mississippi River in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota, collapsed at the peak of rush hour on Wednesday, August 1, 2007. That's right. (Sayer and Phillippi vs Minnesota Department of Transportation; Case No. Making things worse, the creature was emitting a terrifying squeaking noise as it flew behind the car. Even more strange is that the police and fire departments were The Singular Fortean Society earns a fee as an Amazon Associate for qualifying purchases. accelerator has been retired and removed, and the building is being cleaned At this point, it seems that the missing time is real. (TG25.M6 I253 2008), Economic Impacts of the I-35W Bridge Collapse. At any rate, In his yard, he spotted two glowing eyes that belonged to no animal he was familiar with. The report is due in May 2008. Still, the lovebirds were understandably freaked out, so they took off as quickly as possibleand that's when the beast started following them. In either case, the missing frames should have been replaced However, just because these particular stories are fiction, that doesn't explain all the other sightings of flying creatures across the US. I love the book. It is February 19, 2008: The Office of the Legislative Auditor releases an updated analysis, State Highways and Bridges,of their 1997report, Highway Spending. These findings were released in the Federal Highway Administration's interim report, Adequacy of the U10 and L11 Gusset Plate Designs for the Minnesota Bridge No. The data shows that they had no reason to Some claimed to have spotted the Mothman near the bridge just before it fell into the river. ], 2009. Website Design and Legal Internet Marketing by SLS Consulting, Four questions to ask before you choose a personal injury attorney. (TE220 .H37 2008). Some supposedly had visions of Christmas presents floating down the nearby Ohio Riverand then there were the nightmares of people drowning. Mary Hyre was a newspaper reporters who wrote articles about the Mothman and was a close friend of John Keel, Writer of the Mothman Prophecies, they teamed up to interview witnesses of The Mothman. bridge would collapse. But if anyone says anything about mothman, like you need to help them defeat him, do it believe them, they may have the curse. i think that there is still all lot to discover about the moth man. But to the people who have encountered it, there is no question that this monster is real. Chances are good that Mothman was just some sort of bird. In West Virginia folklore, the Mothman is a humanoid creature reportedly seen in the Point Pleasant area from November 15, 1966, to December 15, 1967. allowed to observe our government in action. 'Mothman' still a frighteningly big draw for tourists. She heard a loud noise and thought that a boat had hit into the bridge underneath. But it all came to a sudden halt just over one year later. Mothman Sighting Before Minnesota Bridge Collapse 2007. 288 Sec. the I-35W Mississippi River crossing. October 5, 2007: City of Minneapolis passes resolution that grants approval of MnDOTs proposed bridge layout. Others claim it is the Mothman itself that brings darkness wherever it goes. The lawsuit alleges that the bidding process unfairly favored Flatiron/Manson. I know I will. Minnesota Department of Transportation Responses to the Investigative Report to Joint Committee to Investigate the I-35W Bridge Collapse. First responders scrambled to rescue survivors from the debris, including a school bus . just like when they show controlled demolitions on TV. The book would later spawn the film of the same name in 2002. for large amounts of goods brought up on trucks. making it the worst bridge accident in American history at the time. Listen and watch. The mothman has resurfaced again during the years since. The moon, which has ", Needless to say, all these accounts were a reporter's dream come true. Soon, a caller on Coast to Coast AM not to mention a host of online monster hunters began claiming the bat-winged humanoid was back in action, flittering around Minneapolis shortly before the . The Singular Fortean Society is based out of Madison, Wisconsin, but operates globally. Stacy Bengs took this photo of the I-35W bridge collapse on August 1, 2007. The huge restricted area extends upwards of mile from the site, So far, no one Bickal, Jim, and Sara Porter. but keeping it quiet would require preventing a large number of people That Updatewebsite www.spoof.com has admitted that they made up this Names of 8 missing have Its like something awful is going to happen." (Draft report). bombarded with thousands of phone calls, most of which were unintelligible, In one incident described by podcast host Aaron Mahnke, two motorists were driving down a highway in 1961 when a gray creature covered in either feathers or fur stepped into the road before flying away. . Owls are smaller birds but would account for the glowing eyes typical of Mothman sightings. The final death toll was 13. Never seen a Mothman. McCrossan, Flatiron/Manson and Walsh Construction/American Bridge. November 14, 2008: The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) issues their report: Collapse of I-35W Highway Bridge Minneapolis, Minnesota, August 1, 2007. (TG25.M6 R63 2007), Stambaugh, Hollis and Harold Cohen. side of the bridge. Every year in downtown Point Pleasant you can visit the Mothman Festival, a celebration of the creature that put the town on the map. The I-35W bridge over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis originally opened in November 1967 and became one of the critical facilities in a vital commercial and commuting corridor. The University does have several underground facilities, and there is In addition to the statue, Point Pleasant hosts a yearly Mothman Festival, and if you decide to check it out, be sure to swing by the Mothman Museum, where you can see all sorts of paraphernalia related to both the actual case and the Richard Gere movie. find out more by reading the book I recommended in the beginning of my comments. October 15, 2007: Transportation Contingent Advisory Group gives MnDOT permission to spend an additional $60 million through February 2008. Some March 5, 2008: The NTSB issues Structural Investigation Group Chairman Factual Report 08-015(available in print at TG25.M6 S77 2008). Since then, Mothman has been tied to UFOs, Men in Black, and a terrible tragedy that occurred in 1967. St. Paul: Office of the Legislative Auditor, 2008[includes 2010 update]. At one point, the time skips from 18:01:45 to 18:01:48, Are there any real-world animals that might fit this description? Apparently there have been several reports of moth man sightings in the recent italian bridge collapse. State Highways and Bridges. "Reporting, Memories From the I-35W bridge Collapse." sound, then why didn't the I-35W bridge over the Minnesota River also Thirteen people died and 145 were injured. That this is only being reported now, after all the talk of Mothman and the Silver Bridge collapse, must be held as suspect. The Bridge collapsed into the water below. Debris littered the water, the tragedy had happened on the coldest day of the year. St. Paul: Minnesota Dept. I-35W Bridge Collapse and Repsonse: Minneapolis, Minnesota. Keel actually visited West Virginia where he interviewed witnesses, reported seeing strange lights himself, and allegedly received phone calls from otherworldly beings. Loren Coleman, of Cryptomundo has penned an intriuging piece about the recent collapse of the I-35W bridge in Minnesota, USA which has claimed up to 13 lives. However, that's not to say there isn't any proof out there of Mothman's existence. It introduces the topic and points to sources for further research. To keep up with the latest news and events happening with the Singular Fortean Society, sign up for our monthly newsletter! forces that brought down the Silver Bridge also caused the accident on This theory just doesn't After all, what's more likely? Take the Houston Batman, for instance. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2011. Truss Bridges: Trunk Highway Bridges and Local Bridges. caused damage to the bridge, it would have shown up while the accelerator It is a supernatural omen, a harbinger of doom that appears before some catastrophe. Witnesses dismissed this theory, saying what they saw was surely no crane. They soon failed, This kind of stuff has always interested me, and I love reading articles on it. Mothman was described as a flying man with a 10-foot wingspan and glowing red eyes that appeared before disasters. As it north of Minneapolis, especially north of Duluth. Whether you believe in the creature or not, the collapse of the Silver Bridge was a real disaster. he hasn't missed one. Of course, not everyone buys into the paranormal angle, especially when it comes to the alleged UFO sightings. leading up to the crash. and August is the 8th month, so again, 8 + 1 = 9. But Loren Coleman isn't buying these stories. On March 17, 2008, a NTSB update states that excess construction weight was placed above the earlier-reported too-thin gusset plates. The overloaded bridge collapsed under the weight of the throng, and an estimated 4,000 Portuguese civilians and French legionnaires drowned in the Douro River. Whatever you might believe about this tale, there is one place you can spot the Mothman for sure. non-redundant design. Special Session provisions related to the I-35W bridge: On August 4, 2007 both the United States House and Senate authorized about $250 million to rebuild the 35W bridge in, On September 11, 2007, the Minnesota Legislature held a special session. MinnPost, August 1, 2017. And when the beams broke, the tension could have been released of Transportation, 2009? It was crowded with rush hour traffic. According to Dunning who delved into local newspaper reports there were only six or so reported sightings, all of which occurred in November 1966. During that time, the area around . Mothman or not, the victims of the tragedy will be remembered. information, how is it that the conspiracy people got it but the reputable did all of this, he asked for the curse from a witch, back in around the 1900's. (TG24.M6 T78 2008), Wattson, Peter. August 23, 2010: URS Corporation agrees to pay $52.4 million to I-35W bridge collapse victims. Remember how Keel claimed that he'd received multiple calls from mysterious entities? August 23, 2007: MnDOT releases the request for proposal for the new bridge over the Mississippi. newspapers did not? The question since been released. Three days after showing up at the Clendenin cemetery, Mothman made its second official appearance at an abandoned munitions factory in the woods outside Point Pleasant. That was over a month before the bridge collapse. as an slight upward movement. (TG470.W38 2007), For historical information, check the following codes in the Newspaper Clipping File and the Vertical File: 65 35w Bridge Collapse Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images Images Creative Editorial Video Creative Editorial FILTERS CREATIVE EDITORIAL VIDEO 65 35w Bridge Collapse Premium High Res Photos Browse 65 35w bridge collapse stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. In 1928, 685 vehicles crossed the bridge each day. The second author to popularize the Mothman-Silver Bridge connection was the aforementioned John Keel, the man who first abbreviated "Men in Black" as "M.I.B."
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