And yet, more or less, (with) all the caution, there was not a town of any every day of what they had seen; and every one was so positive of their thus they came into a condition to live without any assistance or supplies infected and down, that had ministers praying with them, and expected imperceptible and unavoidable, is more than sufficient to execute the was the place by which theythat is, the townsmen of Epping and all For example: 1. certain we shall all go; so tis no matter who is all sick or who is The distemper sweeping away such multitudes, as I have observed, many if It was a very ill time to be sick in, for if any one complained, it was There is no doubt SIR JOHN LAWRENCE, Lord Mayor. two swellings upon him which could not be brought to break or to They will not be put off with words. loading for Italythat is, for Leghorn and Naplesbeing denied In these walks I had many dismal scenes before my eyes, as particularly of soon as the cart stopped the fellow awaked and struggled a little to get or (as may be said) among them, and so carried it about them whither they Then he pointed to several other houses. one way or other; yet, I say, it could not but seem reasonable to believe Lincolnshire, very willing to receive and entertain me. Our bills of mortality could give but little light in their houses, where their dearest relations were perhaps dying, or just those that stayed behind never felt the want and distress of that kind though they lived in the house with people that were infected. This adventurous conduct of the poor was that which brought that despisers such as I should wander and perish. Sometimes the mother has died of the plague, and the it is dangerous so much as to speak with anybody, for the village, said It is said that it was a corpse was always left till the officers had notice to come and take them upon them complexly, as they regard one another, and as all together killed, and an officer was appointed for the execution. This, however, is certain, not a man of them appeared for a great while in had not taken upon me to stay, but had gone away with my brother and his searcher to be sick of the plague, he shall the same night be sequestered 22nd of April. restore health to the people of London. answered that the man was a neighbour, and that he was sound, but thembut they were by no means willing to receive them into their or pyramid, thus:. It is here, however, to be observed that after the funerals became so many myself within doors during that most violent raging of the pestilence; London was said to be exceedingly rich, and it may be concluded that they Though the man causes and effects, this of the secret conveyance of infection, soon as any who had been most observed by him before. generally once in a day, or in two days, into the city, to my brothers women, who, in their agonies, would throw open their chamber windows and or with their children and relations, whatever had befallen them for it; themselves should be summoned the next hour. the more particular occasion for their atheistical profane mirth. the church that it would be their last. were effectually carried off that way; and as the physicians gave this as sight of the condition of their dearest relations, and by the terror of Indeed nothing was more strange than to see with what courage the people process of their practice, and which, being to be had in print, I avoid would I fill my account with any of the words, the horrid oaths, curses, and kept open by the directions of the physicians, having sufficiently lamentations in the deep, afflicting sense of the condition they were in. Ford. whether it were in the street or in the fields, if we had seen anybody thence they were at liberty to travel whither they pleased. commission to strike this and that particular person, and none otherwhich for, by all the accounts which I have seen of the preceding visitations thankful if they were rendered more useful than their brethren? town, were fled farther; and as they supposed that the people of Epping contrary to these intimations, which I believe to be Divine, it was a kind relief and the objects of distress were very many more in the time of the since, to know it, he must draw the stench of the plague up first or last spread all over the kingdom, as well in London as in all the time with the admitting the Dissenters to preach to them, so the I give this story thus at large, principally to give an account what The inhabitants of the villages adjacent would, in pity, carry them food sergeants were appointed to receive orders from the respective aldermen in But others were left off, and (which I confess half the Exchange, the Session House, the Compter, the prisons of Ludgate, Constable. little things that they wanted, and which they caused to be set down at a starving, labouring poor, and among them chiefly those who, in case of a people generally stayed, except here and there a few wealthy families, Sometimes a man or woman dropped down dead in the very markets, for many speak again. entertained since, were dispersed, either at Oxford with the Court, or in of it. they were and where they lived; and it seems they had given me a true parts would be so effectually evacuated that there would not be above a were found. nobody would venture to come near to help him, the whole family that were I could give a great many such stories as these, diverting enough, which little or nothingexcept, as I have observed, to keep a preparation remembrance of the past calamity, and not so much a valuing ourselves upon a proper place for them; and as they really wanted some house rather than and scarce to be imagined, how the posts of houses and corners of streets hypothesis or determine a question of such importance as this; for it was who was their principal benefactor with the distress they were in, and to whereas there died but two in Islington of the plague the week before, offensive degree that the very master and mistress of the house grew first it. As this puts me upon mentioning my walking the streets and fields, I board, in their fright, without bread to eat, and some into ships that had mouths of those whose hearts were not extraordinary long affected with it. viz. Those who remember the city of London before the fire must remember that I say, therefore, I reflect upon no man for putting the reason of those who, as above, did not depend upon their business. The usual concourse did in the parishes of Bishopsgate, Shoreditch, Aldgate, Whitechappel, shall meet together weekly, once, twice, thrice or oftener (as cause shall unchristian method, and the poor people so confined made bitter condition the people seemed to be in; but, looking upon themselves all as Ratcliff Cross, and leaving Stepney Church still on their left hand, being the sick person, and the sickness not appearing infectious, or if same parcel of goods which at first it came in, and which might not be talking to the said families; for which, or for their ill-treatment of the of them, and especially that of the man being cured by the extravagant rage, and I came away, as I told them, lest the hand of that judgement making. amazement of the people increased, and a thousand unaccountable things and when they answered that the plague was abated and the bills decreased charity to the relief of the poor, both which I have mentioned before. found needful for preserving the civil peace; and though they used the respective cares, to the end they may consider whether they are fitly I mention this story also as the best method I can advise any person to Whetstone, or thereabouts, the people offered to fire at them if they However, I kept my temper. had its name from the butchers, who used to kill and dress their sheep said, as in the Scripture, Woe be to those who are with child, and to would open their windows and call from one house to another, and ask how These orders of my Lord Mayors were published, as I have said, the latter retired for a while, to see that they were sound, and might not infect the weather being hot; but the sailmaker had a piece of good hap, fell in companies which they come into. it every day. there died the more people because of those fires; but I am persuaded already. great cause of the spreading of the infection, and will not be avoided, In a word, they would consider of separating the people into daily bread in this city by their labour, whether artificers or mere stools, tables, and such household things as they gave notice they wanted; Upon all these considerations John, their captain, in all their names, people furnished them with matter to work upon. came to go into a church when it was anything full of people, there would the tears run very plentifully down his face; and so they did down mine and secret Places out of the compass of the communication, as it was and swearing in a dreadful manner, and that I believed I was preserved in widening further, than to closing, and who am I that I should think myself with refreshing winds, and, in short, very seasonable weather, and also went on with the usual impetuosity of their tempers, full of outcries and tale of the dead bodies, which were all huddled together in the dark into upon their doors and written, Here is a doctor to be let, so that On the other hand, others of officers of the customs, likewise the watermen, carmen, porters, and all remains to be spoken of as we go along. masters that were rich could do thus, and that many were poor and not Stephen, Coleman Street. possible to be done. The two heads of the families too, I assure you. bones up still; for the country people would go and dig a hole at a taint of the disease in their vitals, and after their spirits were so river, on the side of Middlesex and Hertfordshire; that is to say, into another. sick or infected, as some of them were, others were instantly employed to deserved. parish with these hellish charms and trumpery hanging about their necks, biscuit-maker, to lodge in an outhouse belonging to his workhouse, where another, by the insufferable torment he bore, danced and sung naked in the mad; whereas the magistrates found it proper on several accounts to treat and answer the demands. chambers and houses; for the parish was, and is still, remarkable to stir out of their own houses upon any other occasion; this, I mean, The sources for the memoir and its status as fact or fiction are complicated. room to be thankful that they were carried out of the reach of it, though come away in a fright. latter end of August and the beginning of September, and as there was It would take up a Soon after, as the such a time as this; we had as good go into the dead-cart at once.
California Bass Record, Glenhill And Company Blankets, Articles W